I've been doing the 5-2 diet. My motivation for doing the diet was to lose a little weight as well as benefit from all the reported health benefits associated with intermittent fasting (see here for more details).
I did the 5-2 diet for two months, all of April and May. My motivation for giving up the 5-2 diet? On fast days I was hungry,irritable, moody, and did I mention hungry? I literally spent the whole day thinking about food, my hunger, and when I would next get to eat. In the end this massively outweighed any potential benefits the diet might offer.
The other thing that happened was bingeing.
On the days when I wasn't fasting I wanted to eat as much as possible, the deprivation of fasting made me want to eat EVERYTHING.
Also the day before a fast always felt like the day before a diet starts, as in a last opportunity to eat as much as possible. So although I lost a little weight it wasn't a huge amount considering how hard the diet had felt.
I think this diet could work for some people, those that cope well without eating and do not turn into a massive cow when their blood sugar levels drop. For me though it was an absolute mismatch.
I did want to find an alternative though. I know that my passion for food meant that if I didn't find some kind of plan I would gradually gain my way to needing a crane lift out to the old folks' home.
So I discovered the Eight Hour Window (for more info look here). The Eight Hour Window is a different version of intermittent fasting where you essentially fast for 16 hours and eat for eight. The benefits are supposed to be similar and I have found it works a lot better for me.
I have been following the Eight Hour Window for over a month now. I haven't actually lost any weight. However I am still breastfeeding and my weight is within a healthy BMI anyway (9st 3 and 5ft 4) so this isn't a massive issue for me. However I do generally eat whatever I fancy during my 'window' and I haven't gained weight so it seems like a good weight maintenance plan long term.
So I will continue with the Eight Hour Window, hopefully long term. It feels like a more natural way to eat for me, and with a bit of luck it is also benefitting my health.
Ella is a mum of three and failed 1950s housewife. After giving up her career as a circus artist (yes really) to have children she discovered the internet and blogging. Having historically been a diary writer and story teller, she quickly fell in love with her blog. As a result she is now feeding a serious blogging addiction and hoping that people are enjoying reading her ramblings.
Blogs at: Purplemum
Twitter: @purpleella