Have you ever wished your skinny jeans smelt better than bog-standard washing powder? Stay with us on this.
Portuguese clothing brand, Salsa, has developed a collection of fruit-scented jeans.
That's right, you can now bag yourself a pair of sweet-smelling jeans. Think five pastel shades (green, pink, orange, blue and yellow) with matching scents (apple, strawberry, orange, blueberry and lemon) now on sale for a cool £55 - though this might be proof that they're just not shifting.
Nothing says summer fresh like a pair of lemon-y jeans, right? And what better way to cover up the smell of beer and wine spills after one too many at the pub?
According to Salsa, microcapsules in the denim release fruity scents for up to 20 washes so the days of Febreeze-ing your denims are officially gone.
So is this genius or a tad too much? More to the point, would you wear them?
A pair of these would make a good conversation starter, though we can't help but wonder just how fragrant these jeans are. Do you still need to wear perfume or would they overpower it? And no-one wants to smell like a car air freshener.
Perhaps we'll just stick with our regular, non-scented jeans for now. That is, until our fave designer fragrances cotton onto the same idea. Chanel scented denims could definitely be a thing.