James Arthur 'Dropped From Professor Green's New Album' Following Public Controversies: 'He Just Kind Of Imploded'

Professor Green Drops James Arthur Song

Professor Green has revealed that he was forced to drop a track featuring James Arthur from his forthcoming album.

The former ‘X Factor’ star was supposed to feature on a song on Professor Green’s new album ‘Growing Up in Public’, however, after becoming involved in a number of highly-publicised controversies, he was ultimately dropped from the collection.

No one makes wearing a hat look quite as serious as Professor Green

“The label was just like, 'It's not happening', and I can't fight the people who I need to support me.”

James Arthur

"Kind of imploded"? Whatever could he mean? We can’t remember any implosion. All we remember is James helping old ladies cross the street and posing for photos with baby lambs.

Unless he means that time James recorded a rap with a stonking big homophobic slur in the middle, and then used the old “I’m not homophobic, I’ve got a gay mate” excuse.



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