Bread week sorted out the wheat from the chaff in the third round of this year's Bake Off. And yes, this meant we got to see our first "soggy bottom".
Nobody could compete with Louis's efforts this week
Bread, if we hadn't been told more than a baker's dozen times, is Paul Hollywood's specialist subject, and it was his unblinking blue gaze that gave the bakers the hardest time. Poor Martha barely managed to whisk her egg-wash after he simply raised an eyebrow. Such patisserie power.
Poor Jordan over-reached, and ended up biting the strawberry
But one man was not to be stopped, and even Nancy didn't have the necessary gadgetry this week to stop him in his tracks. And, sadly, I'm not talking Norman, who talked a good game, but thought he was getting exotic with pesto. Or Jordan, who simply over-reached.
Nope, this week's victor was always assured. Louis - a man born to knead, and currently looking very strong for final three.
Who's your favourite to win this year's Bake Off title?