Britney Spears Writes Emotional Letter To Gay Young Fan, Who Said Her Music Gave Him Strength After Coming Out (PICS)

'Thank You For Writing Me Back And Being Such An Inspiration'

Britney Spears has written a touching response to a young fan who had given her a letter during a meet and greet, telling her that her music had given him the strength to come out as gay.

Devoted Britney-lover David LeCours met his idol backstage at her ‘Piece Of Me’ show in Vegas, and handed her a letter that he’d written, thanking her for giving him the courage to be who he is.

David wrote on Instagram: “She is the sweetest and nicest person alive.

“The letter explained how she helped me get through a real tough period in my life these past couple of months, and how I wanted to end it all but she made me be strong.”

After saying goodbye to the ‘Toxic’ singer, David was stopped by her security team, who asked if he could give them his address so that Britney could write him a response letter, which he then posted on his Instagram on Wednesday.

In her heart-warming reply, Britney commended her fan for his bravery, adding: “I’ve always been told as long as you know in your heart that’s what matters most. I try to follow my heart and dreams every day of my life and I think that’s why I am where I am today.”

An awe-struck David publicly added: “I just want to thank you so much for taking the time to write me back and being such an amazing inspiration to me.”

Nope. Definitely not crying. Definitely just something in our eye.

After more than 15 years in the entertainment business, it’s heartwarming to hear that Britney still has such a special relationship with her fans, and took the time to write such a heartfelt response to David’s message. All we can say is that we’re a little bit jealous Britney’s never sent us anything in the post.

Britney has spoken publicly many times about the love she has for her gay fans, claiming she gets “inspiration from them on almost all” of her songs.


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