You're walking through the countryside and you see an incredible flower, maybe you're just curious or maybe you're thinking it'd look good in your own garden.
Of course there's one small hitch which is that neither you or I are botanical experts, so the likelihood is that actually you're none the wiser.
Well now you can rest easy because amateur botanist George Williams has created PlantSnapp an app which lets you take a picture of the mystery plant and then have it identified by a group of experts.
That's right, at the moment this is all done by humans. You send the picture and people will look at each case individually. The app will then show you information about the plant and even where you'll be able to buy it.
The Telegraph reports that in future, Williams is hoping to build up enough of a database that the app will be able to recognise the plant on its own however it's early days.
If it sounds like a niche problem then that's probably because it is, but thankfully app developers love taking niche problems and creating really cool solutions.
The app is available to download now for iPhone and was created with funding from Angus Rankine and in partnership with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.