Lauren Goodger Says She's Too Famous To Go To The Gym In Case She's 'Mobbed', Following 'Celebrity Big Brother' Stint

'I'm Not Going To The Gym... I Might Get Mobbed'

Lauren Goodger has admitted that her celebrity status has left her afraid to even go to the gym, in case she’s “mobbed”.

The former ‘TOWIE’ star reveals in her most recent magazine column that she feels like she gained weight during her time in the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ house, but can’t go to a local gym because she’s simply too famous, sweetie darling.

Lauren Goodger

Writing for New magazine, Lauren says: “I think I put on 4-5lbs in the house as my clothes are feeling really tight. Now I'm out, I really want to get back into my training because I feel so unhealthy.

“I think I'll avoid the gym for a while because it's bound to be mental and I might get mobbed, so I'm going to have to work out at home.”

Now, Lauren. We know that your profile has been slightly heightened now that you’ve been back on the telly. But really, coming seventh in ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ does not exactly make you Whitney Houston in ‘The Bodyguard’.

We don’t mind admitting that we’re missing seeing Lauren falling out of her swimsuit and ranting at her ‘CBB’ housemates about how much more famous she is than them.

However, the good thing about having The Goodge back in the outside world is that we get to see fabulous photos of her out and about, looking a bit worse for wear, such as when she hit the town with fellow ‘CBB’ star Ricci Guarnaccio over the weekend.

She obviously doesn’t mind being “mobbed” when it’s on a night out, at least...

Read Lauren's full column in the latest issue of New magazine, out now.


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