Try not to turn green with envy as you watch this dad giving his teenage sons the surprise of their lives when he reveals he's won £1.6 million on the lottery.
Oh, if only all dads could do this!
Paul Hjortbol, from Denmark, captured the amazing moment on video as he broke the news to them bit by bit.
As the brothers eat strawberries, Paul explains: "It's not easy to say this ... I would like to that that I have quit my job."
When the boys question his decision, he reveals he has won 'a little bit of money' before handing them each £500 cash and an iPad.
The brothers jump up, ecstatic, as they are handed their gifts and can't believe it when their father says he has won 200,000 Danish Krone (£21,000). But their dad has one more surprise in store.
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He says: "This is very difficult for me ... I have lied to you. I have won more money."
The boys remain confused until their dad shows them the official certificate which states that he has won 15 million Danish Krone (£1.6m).
They then jump off their seats e and hold their heads in their hands.
The two-and-a-half-minute video, which has had over 4 million views.
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