Mother Records Brilliant Video 'Ways My Four-Year-Old Has Insulted Me'

Mum Makes Brilliant 'Ways My Four-Year-Old Has Insulted Me' Video

Kids are pure id, meaning they say whatever pops into their heads without malice or spite.

So when Johanna Stein's daughter Sadie said: "You have a lot of hairs on your face, is that a moustache or a beard?", the author groaned (and possibly reached for the Veet) but also saw the humour in it.

"You can choose to be insulted by the things that a toddler says," she said. "My philosophy on parenting is, I try to enjoy it as much as I can."

Stein, who recently published a book titled "How Not to Calm a Child on a Plane and Other Lessons in Parenting from a Highly Questionable Source", put together a video of Sadie-isms, which are worthy of stand-up.

Other one-liners include "Your breath smells like a fart" and our favourite: "Which one is the oldest? Grandma, grandpa or you?"
