Warwick's Rowing Girls Are Back For Another Naked Calendar, Shrugging Off Those 'Pornography' Critics

Warwick's Rowing Girls Are Back For Another Naked Calendar

A group of female students who were banned from Facebook last year for creating a "pornographic" naked charity calendar are back for another year - saying they haven't been deterred by criticism.

The women's rowing club at Warwick University has stood firm in the face of critics, who called them tacky and attention seeking, as well as being branded "porn" by the social media network.

"We haven't changed our approach towards the calendar dramatically this year," Sophie Bell, one of the stars of the calendar, tells HuffPost UK. "We're proud of what we have achieved, which includes raising over £5,000 for Macmillan, promoting gender equality and providing healthy, athletic role models for young women."

Sophie (pictured) says this year's calendar is as 'tasteful as possible'

"Having said this, we have endeavored as always, to make sure that the calendar is as tasteful and discrete as possible, and I think the pornography criticism has made us ensure we continue to maintain high standards."

One of the shots from the calendar

Purchase your calendar from next Tuesday at warwickrowing.org and chat to the girls on Twitter - @nakedgirlsrow.

Check out the girls' previous calendar..


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