How To Clean A Greasy Grill Or Fix A Carpet Stain - Use Foods That Double Up As Cleaning Products

How Coke Can Make For A Great Toilet Cleaner

When you’ve finished eating dinner, don’t chuck your leftover food away - use it to clean the dishes.

That’s right, some of the most basic food products double up as excellent cleaning agents.

Like onions - rub them on a greasy grill and all that muck with start to fall off. Make sure you rinse the grill after though, or your next dish will have an added onion flavour.

Coca-Cola is also great. Pour it in your toilet, leave it to soak for 20 minutes and prepare to be impressed by the glistening bog shining back at you. (Although it may make you reconsider whether you'll drink it ever again...)

There’s also a ton of ways you can clean up those post-party food and drink carpet stains using, you guessed it, more food.

Check out the above video for more information.
