Parents of a teenage transgender boy shared their pride by placing a very unusual birth announcement in their local paper – 19 years after they announced his arrival as their daughter!
Kai Bogert was named Elizabeth Anne when he was born a girl.
But following his declaration that he was, in fact, a boy, the family, from Queensland, Australia, decided to celebrate their child's re-birth with a public declaration of their love.
They placed their announcement in the small ads of The Courier-Mail, which was then spotted and circulated around the world on Twitter.
The full announcement reads:
"A retraction - Bogert
In 1995 we announced the arrival of our sprogget, Elizabeth Anne, as a daughter. He informs us that we were mistaken. Oops! Our bad. We would now like to present, our wonderful son- Kai Bogert.
Loving you is the easiest thing in the world. Tidy your room."
The reaction on social media has been very positive, with many people celebrating the family for the lovely way they chose to show acceptance of their son Kai.
@Frostyagnes on Twitter said "Best Birth Announcement ever. Today's CM. What a wonderful family".
@Stivette commented: "I think they're so brave. It's one thing to protest/speak out in a country like OZ - quite another in their situation".
What a wonderful mum and dad!
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