Caipirinha Recipe: How To Make A Healthy Summer Cocktail

Caipirinha Recipe: How To Make A Healthy Summer Cocktail

A caipirinha is a classic Brazilian cocktail that is traditionally made with just three ingredients - cachaca (a spirit made from sugarcane), sugar and lime - but it's also easy to make a healthier alternative.

This recipe from chef Tom Aiken's London restaurant Tom's Kitchen uses 100% pure coconut water to turn this usually short cocktail into a longer, cooling drink.

Coconut water is also naturally free from fat, gluten and cholesterol and helps boost immunity. Who knew a cocktail could be so good for you?

Want to try making one? Summer is here, after all...

Here's what you'll need to make the Jax Caipirinha:

50ml quality Cachaca

50ml Jax coco water

2tsp caster sugar

Half a lime

Spitz of cherry bitters

Fresh coconut and a slice of lemon to garnish


1. Muddle the lime and sugar in a shaker.

2. Add Cachaca and crushed ice, shake and pour into a rocks glass and add Jax coco.

3. Spritz with cherry bitters and garnish with coconut and a wedge of lemon.

Jax coco water cocktails are currently available at all Tom's Kitchen sites, priced at £4.75.



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