Photographer Captures The Chaos Of Family Life With Hilarious Photo Series

Photographer Captures The Chaos Of Family Life With Hilarious Photo Series
Danielle Guenther

With all the carefully edited photos plastered over Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you would be forgiven for thinking that a family home with two adults, two kids and a furry friend is spotlessly clean without as much as a Lego brick out of place.

But photographer Danielle Guenther has called time on all those sugar sweet snaps with her brilliant series 'parenting is exhausting' (it's also under the heading 'best case scenario' on her website, which we think sums it up nicely).

Danielle Guenther

In the photos, Danielle, mum to a five-year-old daughter, shares the sheer chaos of life with young children.

Danielle started the photo series after realising her attempts to take 'family portraits' would always spiral out of control, despite everyone and their mum's best efforts.

Talking to PopSugar, Danielle said: "I have a regular client that I photograph, and I was over at her house.

"It was at the end of the session, and the mom, who is always a total blast, just laid down on the couch, and I said we should do a funny one.

Danielle Guenther

"She has a wonderful sense of humor, and she was all about it! And then it just spiralled out of control in a really great way."

You can see more of Danielle's photos below, and on her website

You can also visit her Facebook page at

Danielle Guenther
Danielle Guenther
Danielle Guenther
Danielle Guenther
Danielle Guenther
Danielle Guenther

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