Tina O'Brien has revealed that when she went into labour her partner Adam Crofts went to pieces.
The Coronation Street star gave birth to her second child Beau last October.
When her contractions started fitness trainer Adam grew so flustered that he set off to the hospital without Tina in the car, then knocked over equipment in the maternity ward.
"The comedy kept coming," said Tina, 31, who is also mum to six-year-old daughter Scarlett.
"We had to wait for my mum to arrive to take care of Scarlett and I had a contraction as I was walking towards the car.
"Adam had rushed off ahead of me to get the car ready and he started to drive off. I was like, 'Hold on, I think you've forgotten something!'"
Rather than getting annoyed Tina saw the funny side of the situation.
"He's a really laid-back chilled guy so seeing him in such a state kept my mind off things," she added.
With Tina safely in the car, Adam then took a wrong turn and got lost on the way to the hospital.
"He was so flustered by the time we got there that he rushed ahead to the maternity ward and forgot me while I was having a big contraction," Tina said.
"When I did get booked into a room, it didn't get any better. He kept knocking things over and banging into pieces of equipment. The midwife actually had to calm him down!"
Tina used hypnobirthing techniques while in labour and gave birth without pain relief or gas and air, but Adam had to ask the midwife for some medication following the birth of their son.
Tina said: "I had literally just given birth to Beau when Adam turned to the midwife and said, 'I don't suppose you've got two paracetamol, have you? I've got a banging headache.' I mean, you've got to be kidding me! I couldn't stop laughing."
Tina is set to return to the cobbles later this year after leaving Corrie in 2007.
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