‘Celebrity Big Brother': Katie Hopkins Slams Katie Price's Government-Funded Carers For Son Harvey

Hopkins Blasts Pricey For Having Government-Funded Carers For Son Harvey

Until now, the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ house’s two Katies - Hopkins and Pricey - have been getting on surprisingly well, but now, they’ve found something to disagree on.

During a chat about her son Harvey, who was diagnosed with autism, blindness and Prader-Willi syndrome in 2002, Katie revealed that she has a government-funded driver and nurse.

Katie Hopkins

While Katie is well within her rights to accept this help, Hopkins wasn’t too pleased and argued that given her financial success, Pricey should be footing the bill herself.

When the former ‘Apprentice’ star told Katie she should stump up the cash, the mother-of-six hit back, stating: “Do you know how fucking expensive that would be? It would be up to a grand a day.”

“With the amount you earn I find that tricky, when you could afford it yourself,” Katie H replied. “If you can pay for something you should pay for it, you shouldn’t rely on the government.

“I think that’s wrong.”

Katie, her husband Kieran and Harvey

So far, the two women have got on well and last week, Pricey even gave Hopkins a makeover, slathering her in fake tan.

However, it hasn’t all been fun and games in the house and Perez Hilton has ruffled a few feathers, or to put it more bluntly, been the most annoying housemate ever.

Thankfully, his fate has been put into the public’s hands, and fans can now vote to decide whether he should get a fastpass to the final, or face the public vote in every eviction until then.


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