Looking to get fit and active?
To kickstart HuffPost UK Lifestyle's 'Fitspiration month', British Military Fitness, the UK’s undisputed leader in outdoor fitness, is offering one lucky reader the chance to win six months of unlimited classes at any of its 140 venues across the UK.

These inspiring group sessions are led by serving or former members of the Armed Forces, and are a fun, effective way of getting fit with like-minded people. With the encouragement of an expert instructor, you’ll train in pairs, groups and teams.
There are three ability levels, catering for exercise rookies to fitness veterans.
So dust off your trainers, kiss the treadmill goodbye and let BMF help you achieve your goals this year. Find out where your nearest BMF venue is by visiting: www.britishmilitaryfitness.com.
To enter, click here and fill in the form by 06/04/2015. Good luck!