Mum Tracks Down Cinema-Goer On Facebook To Apologise For Her Teenagers' Bad Behaviour

Mum Tracks Down Cinema-Goer On Facebook To Apologise For Her Teenagers' Bad Behaviour

A mum whose teenage kids spoiled a cinema-goer's night out tracked her down on Facebook to apologise.

Kyesha Smith Wood was mortified to find out her daughter, stepdaughter and son had been misbehaving at a screening of Cinderella at the Tannehill Premiere Cinema in Alabama on Friday evening.

She said the teenagers had been 'giggling, talking too loud, and kicking [the] seat' provoking a woman to tell them off.

After the film finished, the woman approached the teenagers and told them: "My husband was just laid off from his job and this would be the last movie I could take my daughter to for awhile, and they had ruined that."

When Kyesha heard from her kids what had happened, she decided to try to track the woman down on Facebook to apologise.

She wrote on Facebook:

This is a long shot, but I'm looking for a woman that was at Tannehill Premier tonight seeing Cinderella at 7pm. I...

Posted by Kyesha Smith Wood on Friday, March 27, 2015

The post was spotted by Sergeant Jack Self, who shared it on the Jefferson County Sheriff's Facebook page, and it soon received more than 250,000 likes and 10,000 comments.

Eventually, Kyesha received a reply from the offended mum, Rebecca Boyd, who wrote:

"I am the mom from the movie theatre.

"I had taken my daughter to see 'Cinderella'... I was very upset and disappointed in the girls behavior... the note from their mom brought me to tears and shows there is still good people in the world.

"I have no hard feelings towards them and I am proud of their parents. The girls are not bad... they are children. Glad they are learning a lesson.

"I hope if my teenagers are out and they act up... I hope someone says something to them."

Kyesha told ABC 33/40 she was glad Rebecca stepped in and disciplined the teenagers.

She said: "She's the most gracious, kind and forgiving woman. I am so humbled by that and I've been telling people the real hero of the story is her."

Happily, Rebecca said her family has now received job offers and other support as a result of the story going viral.
