This Week's Top Five Tech Blogs

This Week's Top Five Tech Blogs

As well as bringing you the latest news and features, we're very proud at HuffPost UK to share our platform with bloggers and thought-leaders from across the UK.

So without further ado, here are the top five blogs to feature on HuffPost UK Tech over the past week.

Be sure to give them a read and tell us what you think in the comments below.

Managing Director of MD Communications Melissa Davis blogs on Michael Bublé's Instagram gaffe.

Business and design guru Thomas Church blogs on Twitter's latest app and its potential to change the way we use social media.

Founder of Musical Fidelity Antony Michaelson blogs on the changing face of vinyl and how the audio industry is updating retro music.

Piece of Cake founder Juliet Simmons blogs about the true meaning of the number on your Facebook profile.

An oldie that went viral again, writer and film critic Leigh Clark shares a list of the most annoying Facebook statuses.


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