Comfortable High Heels? These Rocket Scientists Have Finally Invented Them

These Rocket Scientists Invented A High Heel As Comfortable As Trainers

How many rocket scientists does it take to invent a comfy high heel?

Just one apparently... along with an astronaut, orthopedic surgeon and a fashion scientist. No big deal then.

A long overdue answer to fashion follower's prayers, one woman has rounded up a team of experts to reinvent the stiletto - creating the world's first "high performance, high fashion" high heels.

After five years working at SpaceX (the US space transport company) in sky-high stilettos, executive Dolly Singh was faced with two choices - wear uglier shoes or end up with ugly feet.

Her solution? Creating her own fashion-technology company Thesis Couture, which she described as “Nike meets Jimmy Choo”

In this video for Bloomberg, Singh explains how switching up the traditional metal shank in soles for a more mouldable Polymer creates a stiletto that distributes bodyweight across the entire structure - much like a wedge heel.

So is this the end of crippling pain, bunions, and walking home from a night out barefoot?

The first 1,500 limited edition Thesis shoes will be available this autumn for $925 (around £610) a pair, but Singh hopes to change the way all heels are constructed in the next five years.


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