‘Big Brother' 2015 Housemates To Be Revealed BEFORE The New Series' Launch Show

'Big Brother' Bosses Reveal HUGE Launch Twist

For the first time in ‘Big Brother’ history, the housemates are set to be revealed before the show’s big launch.

The 2015 series kicks off on Tuesday 12 May, however, viewers will find out who’s heading into the house at just gone midnight, on Sunday 10 May.

The house was revealed earlier this week

Normally, housemates aren’t revealed until their introductory videos are played, just moments before they greet Emma Willis and head into the Borehamwood bungalow.

However, the twist - which is part of this year’s Timebomb theme - will mean we’ll have a head start of more than 48-hours.

‘Big Brother’s Bit On The Side’ presenter Rylan Clark has previously teased fans, hinting that a few of this year’s recruits may look familiar - and we can’t wait to do some digging and find out more about the newbies.

The timebomb theme is set to run throughout the show, much like last year’s power trip, which resulted in more than a few controversial decisions.

While ‘Big Brother’ bosses are yet to reveal more details on how it will affect the lives of the lucky few (or should that be unlucky?) calling the ‘BB’ bungalow home, Rylan has revealed that their heads are going to be messed with.

“For this series, they’re flipping time on its head so they’re really going to crack up. Big Brother could make 4am the new 3pm,” he explained. “It’s a little bit 'Truman Show' — we will control the pattern of life. We can also visit the past so they might wake up and it be Big Brother 2007 or we go back two years and I’m suddenly a housemate again for a few days.”

As usual we’ll be bringing you all the latest ‘Big Brother’ updates, including all the goss on the new housemates, on our dedicated news page.


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