Intelligence Is Key To A Man's Heart (Not Long Legs And Big Breasts), Says Cambridge Professor

This Is What's Most Important To Men Looking For Love...

What do men look for in a woman: big breasts, long legs, a Kim Kardashian-esque bottom, or - dare we say it - intelligence?

According to a Cambridge professor (and much to our delight), men are all about the latter when it comes to picking a lifelong partner.

This is because it shows their prospective match is likely to be a good parent.

Amal Clooney, who married George Clooney in 2014, is a human rights lawyer.

This, he says, is because intelligence shows that a woman will be able to look after her children.

It also shows that her parents are "probably intelligent" and therefore suggests she was "raised well".

Professor Bainbridge, who has written a book called 'Curvology: The Origins and Power of Female Body Shape', says that in terms of body shape and appearance, men aren't actually that fussed about the size of a woman's breasts or her leg length.

"Breast size doesn’t matter," he adds. Similarly, "men are not looking for long legs".

"Straight legs are a sign of genetic health, so that is something that is more attractive," he says. "But surveys have shown most men prefer regular length [legs]."

In terms of physical appearance, he does believe that having a smaller waist with a bigger bottom and hips is more favourable among men, because this shows that they might be better suited to bearing children.

He also believes that men look for symmetry in a woman's facial features as it shows signs of "stable" genes.

[H/T Telegraph]
