Parents of a 14-year-old girl have been arrested after allegedly forcing their daughter to live in a tent in the woods because she ate a Pop-Tart without permission.
James Driggers, 33, and Crystal Driggers, 36, from South Carolina, reportedly only gave their daughter a torch, toilet paper, a whistle and a watch, when they told her she had to stay out in the woods for a week, according to 22 News.
The girl was found by local authorities after two days and her parents have been arrested on charges of child neglect.
Police spokesman Braden Bunch told NBCNews: "We feel very confident that the parents were overstepping their bounds, from trying to correct a child's behaviour to true criminal punishment."

The teenager was allegedly told by her parents to meet "someone" at a fence on the family's property at specific times during the day if she wanted to receive any food, the Sumter County Sheriff's Office said.
According to NBC News, the girl's grandmother alerted police after finding her in the woods and bringing her back to her own house.
Police returned the girl home on the Thursday evening and spoke with her parents who promised to let her back in the house, reported the Telegraph.
In a follow-up visit on Friday afternoon, police discovered the girl had been sent back to the tent, more than a quarter-mile from the home.
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The family has five other children who have currently been placed in the custody of their grandparents, while the 14-year-old girl is with the South Carolina Department of Social Services according to authorities.
Both parents have been charged with a single count of unlawful neglect of a child and more charges are possible as the investigation continues, police said.