Duke Of Cambridge Praises Duchess And Talks About Life With Prince George And Princess Charlotte

Duke Of Cambridge On Family Life And If There'll Be A Third Baby On The Way

The Duke of Cambridge has praised the Duchess of Cambridge for being an "amazing" mother and spoke publicly about his family during his first day as an air ambulance pilot.

Describing two-year-old Prince George as a "little monkey" and newborn Princess Charlotte as a "little joy of heaven", it's clear that the Duke is smitten with his family.

Prince William began his first shift as a pilot with East Anglian Air Ambulance on 13 July.

He said during the interview on his first day at his new job: "It's more responsibility, looking after two little ones, especially when George is around.

"But it is fantastic having a lovely little family and I am so thrilled. And Catherine has been doing an amazing job as a mother and I’m very proud of her."

The Prince was also questioned over whether he would have more children and was quick to respond.

He said: "We’ve only just had the second one. You never know what is going to happen in the future."

The Duke discussed his new job, explaining that it helped him to stay "grounded".

Speaking of juggling his work with family life, Prince William said he was enjoying it but it could be a challenge.

He said it would be tough leaving his wife, George and Charlotte in the mornings, but it was “no more difficult than everyone else has to do.”

He added he wants to be a part of the royal duties as much as he can , saying: "I think it is incredibly important and [will] prove me in good stead for the future."
