Guy Ritchie and Jacqui Ainsley got married on Thursday, and a quick glance at their list of guests suggests it was one of the most star-studded big days ever.
Thanks to his career in the film industry, Guy counts the likes of Brad Pitt and Henry Cavill as pals, and both stars were in attendance to see the director tie the knot for the second time.

Brad Pitt poses with a guest
Guy’s good pal David Beckham also made sure he was there, along with Jason Statham and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

Jason, Henry and Rosie posed with friends
The couple’s wedding took place at their home Ashcombe House, in Wiltshire, and while no official snaps of the happy pair have been revealed, plenty of their guests couldn’t resist uploading a picture or two to Instagram, using the day's official hashtag #jaxguyjuly.
Jacqui also gave her Instagram followers a sneak peek at her gorgeous gown, before revealing the whole dress in a picture which featured Guy and Madonna’s sons Rocco and David.
The wedding had a festival theme - though thankfully not festival weather - and tipis and huts were erected for guests to stay in.
Guy and Jacqui started their relationship in 2010, a year after meeting for the first time.
They have three children together, and their youngest Levi, was born 13 months ago. Their engagement was announced back in November 2013, while model Jacqui was pregnant with their daughter Rivka.