11 Years Detention For Racist Schoolboy, 14, Who Stabbed Teacher Vincent Uzomah

11 Years Detention For Racist Schoolboy, 14, Who Stabbed Teacher Vincent Uzomah

A 14-year-old boy who bragged on Facebook about stabbing his supply teacher in a racially motivated attack has been sentenced to 11 years detention

The teenager, who cannot be named, admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Vincent Uzomah at Dixons Kings Academy in Bradford.

He used an offensive racist term before stabbing Mr Uzomah in the stomach, Bradford Crown Court heard.

The boy stabbed the 50-year-old teacher once before fleeing the school and bragging about what he had done on Facebook.

About 20 minutes after the attack the boy posted a message which read: ''The motherf***** getin funny so I stick the blade straight in his tummy.''

The Facebook post received at least 69 ''likes'', the court heard.

Jonathan Sharp, prosecuting, told the court the boy was described by others as ''disruptive and a bully'' and had taken a dislike to Mr Uzomah in the seven weeks he had worked at the school.

Mr Sharp said: ''He did not show any especial hostility to other teachers. Mr Uzomah, however, is black.

''The defendant disliked him, claiming he couldn't teach, and freely referred to him by the epithet beginning with the letter n, including saying it in anger just before he attacked him.

''The Crown's case in consequence is that the attack was, at least in part, racially motivated.''

Mr Sharp said the boy told a friend the previous day that he was planning to stab a teacher and took a knife with a ''substantial blade'' into school on June 11, discussing his plans with other pupils.

He stabbed Mr Uzomah after a row over his mobile phone, the court was told.

Mr Sharp said the boy was described by witnesses as ''getting angry, red in the face and putting his head down and muttering the words bastard and n*****''.

He said: ''He approached Mr Uzomah and reached into his pocket but at that point he took out the knife and stabbed Mr Uzomah in the stomach.''

He added: ''Mr Uzomah thought he was going to die.''


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