Couple In Process Of Adopting Baby Since Birth Told By Judges To Return Boy To Birth Family

Couple Who 'Adopted' Son At Birth Told By Judges To Return Boy To Birth Family

A married couple who were close to adopting a baby , who they have been looking after since he was born, have been told by high court judges nearly one year on to give the boy to his birth grandparents.

The three judges - Sir James Munby, Lady Justice Black and Lord Justice Bean - explained the young boy went home with the couple, referred to as Mr and Mrs X, under an "early permanency placement agreement".

These placements are for babies and children under two, where approved adopters are given temporary adoption rights while the courts are considering if that baby should be placed for adoption.

In January 2015 during the placement, the baby's birth father suggested the boy's grandparents could raise him, to which they agreed. The baby was two months old at the time.

The panel of three judges ruled the baby should live with anyone in his natural family who is capable of raising him, even though his parents signed away the right to bring him up before he was born.

According to the MailOnline, social workers then assessed the grandparents home, and took four months to approve them.

In May, social workers confirmed to Mr and Mrs X they had abandoned the plan for adoption.

Mr and Mrs X appealed the decision.

Family Division of the Royal Courts of Justice in central London

Appeal court judge and president of the Family Division, Sir James Munby reiterated that adoption is a "last resort" for when no one in the child's birth family can look after the child.

According to the Mail Online Sir Munby said about Mr and Mrs X: "[There was] anxiety and anguish was etched on their faces as they sat before us. The outcome will come as a terrible blow."

Pamela Scrivens QC, representing the couple who hoped to adopt, reportedly told the court: "Mrs X is the only mother the boy has ever known".

The baby has lived with them for 10 months.

Following the ruling in the Family Division of the Royal Courts of Justice in central London, the boy will now live with his grandparents.
