Living In London Is So Expensive That Someone Is Commuting From Poland

You Know London's Too Expensive When It's Cheaper To Commute From Poland
passenger plane fly up over take-off runway from airport
passenger plane fly up over take-off runway from airport
muratart via Getty Images

If we needed a sign that London is definitely too expensive for normal people to live in, this is it.

A Goldsmiths student finds it more cost-effective to commute to London from Poland, than to live in the capital full time.

Jonathan Davey, who is originally from Hampshire, decided to move to Gdansk to escape the sky-high prices in London, after discovering that a room in halls could cost him up to £220 a week.

His flights, transfers to and from the airport and rent in Poland cost him just £2,100 a year - the equivalent of two and a half months in the campus accommodation.

Davey told the Mirror: "It's hard to believe it's cheaper to commute 1,000 miles than live just round the corner.

"But the cost of living for students is crippling. I'm thousands of pounds a year better off living in Poland."

Davey flies into Luton at 6am on Wednesdays, and flies back to Poland on Fridays. He stays on friends’ sofas or in cheap hotels for two nights.


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