Neighbours Throw Early Halloween Party So 4-Year-Old Boy Undergoing Brain Surgery Won't Miss Out On The Fun

Neighbours Throw Early Halloween Party So Boy Undergoing Brain Surgery Won't Miss Out

A four-year-old boy, who was scheduled to have brain surgery over Halloween, was treated to early spooky street party by neighbours who didn't want him to miss out on the celebrations.

In Branden Witt's local community in Virginia, America, 42 households decorated their homes so Branden could go trick or treating on 17 October.

Branden, who has Chiari malformation, a condition in which brain tissue extends into the spinal canal, was over the moon to be able to dress up in his Disney Lightning McQueen costume and head out with his mum and dad.

Branden trick or treating

His mum Carol told TODAY: "When we found out the surgery would prevent him from trick or treating, we knew he'd be upset, so we thought of what we could do."

Branden's parents did all the legwork, by putting together bags to distribute to neighbours, which included a photo of Branden, a pumpkin, a glow stick and a note explaining what they were doing.

Those neighbours who wanted to join in were told to put the glow stick on their letter box and the pumpkin outside.

To make it that bit better (and to increase the chance of sweets), Branden's mum also asked friends and family to drive along to their road to give her son the option to trick or treat out of their decorated trunks.

His mum added: "He was so excited he didn't even realise it wasn't really Halloween."

Branden finished the evening with tonnes of sweets, small gifts and activity drawing books.

His mum said she was "beyond pleased" with the turnout, especially as neighbours who don't usually join in the celebrations every year put out their glow sticks to enjoy fake Halloween.

NBC News reported Branden came out of surgery on 26 October.

His mum said he is "doing well".
