'I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here': The Best Bushtucker Trials, Featuring Helen Flanagan, Joey Essex And Paul Burrell

Was This I'm A Celebrity's Best Bushtucker Trial?

Now don’t get us wrong, we love seeing an unconvincing showmance and a Z-lister in their bikini as much as anybody, but the real reason ‘I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here’ has been such a hit with viewers, series after series, is because of its Bushtucker Trials.


While many shows would run out of steam after 13 years on the air, we doubt we will ever tire of watching the ‘I’m A Celeb’ campmates tackling spiders, snakes and kangaroo testicles, all in the name of winning food for their campmates, and it’s one of the reasons we’re so excited for this year’s launch on 16 November.

when you cast your mind back on previous years, it’s invariably the Bushtucker Trials that provide the most memorable moments, whether that’s because a celebrity has handled one so brilliantly, so dramatically or, in some cases, thrown their toys out of the pram and flat-out refused to do them at all.

Helen Flanagan didn't exactly have the easiest time in the jungle

Helen Flanagan was no stranger to a Bushtucker Trial during her spell Down Under, becoming a household name thanks to the high-pitched freak-out that accompanied every challenge that she was met with.

Similarly, Paul Burrell gave us one of the best moments in ‘I’m A Celeb’ history when he (sort of) bravely took on the “hell hole” trial, giving us this golden reality TV face.

Just glorious

With 12 new celebrities about to face their fears in the jungle, why not re-live some of the most terrifying, admirable and downright hilarious Bushtucker Trials from the ‘I’m A Celeb’ vaults...


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