Danny Dyer And Janet Street-Porter Clash On 'Loose Women' In Row About Feminism (VIDEO)

Danny Dyer And Janet Street-Porter Clash On 'Loose Women'

Danny Dyer clashed with Janet Street-Porter on Tuesday’s edition of ‘Loose Women’ when he was questioned about feminism.


The ‘EastEnders’ actor appeared on the ITV lunchtime chat show to discuss his new book, ‘The World According To Danny Dyer: Life Lessons From The East End’, when talk turned to his chapter on gender roles.

Danny Dyer appeared on 'Loose Women'

“I think feminism has been a great thing for men if anything,” he said. “I’m quite a feminine person, and I know that may sound like a weird thing to say.

“I’m quite a sensitive soul and I was brought up by women, so I’ve had strong women around me all my life. Women fascinate me, I love everything about them.”

However, Janet quickly challenged him on whether he does anything around the house to help out his fiancée Jo Mas.

“I’m not very good domestically, I was brought up by women so I had everything done for me,” he explained.

“I graft and my missus works very hard as well bringing up the children. She’s the engine room of the house and I respect everything she does. But could she go and run the pub in ‘EastEnders’? No.”

Clearly irritated by his views, Janet interjected: “It’s like listening to a man of 200 years ago. Danny, it’s absolutely fascinating - it’s as if women’s rights never happened.”

“It’s not about women’s rights,” Danny insisted.

Janet Street-Porter wasn't impressed with Danny

Janet continued: “It’s such an old-fashioned view. Men go out and work and women are at home putting the dinner on the table for when you get in.”

Danny hit back: “I don’t have a dinner. Well, it depends if she’s got the hump with me.

“I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying that our relationship works and we both bring something to the table, bringing up children.

“There’s no Disney Channel way of bringing up kids and what she does, I could not do. I’ve tried, I’ve tried the ironing so because I can’t do the ironing, does that make me a bad person?” he asked, insisting he “runs the hoover over the carpet and that”.

Danny’s other half Jo popped the question to him on Valentine’s Day this year, after a 20-year relationship, having first met as teenagers.

They also have three children together - daughters Dani and Sunnie, and son Arty.


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