Burger King Becomes First Fast Food Chain In UK To Serve Alcohol

You Can Now Buy Alcohol At Burger King

Burger King has become the first fast food chain in the UK to be granted a license to sell alcohol.

The company has been given a drinks licence for its branch in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, after applying for licences at several of its UK eateries.

The branch will now be able to sell alcohol to customers over the age of 18 after 9pm on the condition that no alcoholic drinks are taken outside of the premises.

Suffolk council's decision to grant the licence comes after local police reportedly expressed their opposition to the plans.

According to the Mail Online, the chain originally applied for a license to serve alcohol seven days per week between the hours of 10am and 11pm.

However, this plan was met by opposition from local police, with licensing inspector Matt Dee warning Suffolk council there were concerns that crime and disorder would increase.

"Other night-time economies [in the town] have door staff, CCTV, substantial staff training and policies for identifying underage customers," Dee said.

Under the revised agreement, Burger King will only be able to sell one beer per adult customer.

The announcement has received a mixed response of Twitter with some getting a little over-excited about the prospect of beer and burgers...

While others think Burger King should stick to what they know.

Burger King already sells alcohol in some parts of the US, Singapore, Venezuela and Spain.

A spokesperson for the fast food restaurant previously told the Independent: "We’re just catching up with the rest of the world, really."

The chain has also applied for drinks licences at Newcastle-under-Lyme, Blackpool and Hull.
