'Sherlock: The Abominable Bride' Debuts New Trailer, And It's The Scariest One Yet (VIDEO)

'Sherlock' Debuts Spookiest Trailer Yet

A brand new trailer for the upcoming ‘Sherlock’ special has been unveiled and, frankly, it’s absolutely terrifying.


Benedict Cumberbatch will be back in action this festive season as Sherlock Holmes, for ‘The Abominable Bride’, a one-off special episode of the BBC series, set in Victorian London.

But while the first trailer, released back in October, focussed on us finally getting to see Benedict in the iconic deer-stalker hat that has become synonymous with Sherlock Holmes over the years, this latest offering centres on the spookier elements of the episode.

Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman

The new episode will tell the story of Mrs Ricoletti, the titular ‘bride’ who is out for revenge.

In the clip, she’s seen pointing a gun at an unknown victim, who tells her: “You’re dead… you can’t be here… you died!”

The latest trailer for 'The Abominable Bride' is here

Thankfully, despite it all, Sherlock has still got his waits about him, as he’s heard telling Watson: “To the morgue! We haven’t a moment to lose. Which one can so rarely say at the morgue.”

Benedict delighted ‘Sherlock’ fans last week, when he admitted he had no plans to retire from the role any time soon, revealing he’d be keen to “continue ageing” with the character.

‘The Abominable Bride’ marks the first time ‘Sherlock’ fans have seen Benedict and Martin Freeman in action in two years, and will air on New Year’s Day, on BBC One.

A fourth series has also been confirmed, with filming due to begin next year.


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