From Katie Hopkins To The Refugee Crisis, Jennifer Aniston To The Tube Strike: HuffPost UK's 20 Most Popular Blogs Of 2015

These Were HuffPost UK's 20 Most Popular Blogs Of 2015

The General Election, breastfeeding, the refugee crisis, parenting, politics and policing. These are just some of the blog topics that got you, The Huffington Post UK reader, engaged this year more than any others and clicking till your digits cramped.

And as well as the high profile sorts including Prince Charles, Benedict Cumberbatch, Dame Vivienne Westwood, Elizabeth Hurley, David Cameron and Russell Brand, we've played host to you, dear reader, as you rubbed shoulders with the big names on our blogger platform, whether commenting or uploading blog posts yourself. It's the mix of voices, from the man and woman on the street to those in the upper echelons of society that truly demonstrate our mission of democratising opinion, giving fresh perspectives and starting conversations - and boy, do the 13,000-plus bloggers we host like a chinwag.

Out of tens of thousands of fantastic posts we’ve hosted this year on the site however, some have a certain magical alchemy - and go truly viral.

So as we reach the end of 12 months of heated debate and impassioned posts on our multi-faceted platform, we list the top 20 most clicked, shared, favourited, retweeted, Pinned, Google Plussed and commented-on blog posts of 2015 here on The Huffington Post UK. And here’s looking forward to starting more conversations in 2016 here on the Huffington Post UK which we hope will continue to inform, inspire, empower and entertain you. Happy New Year!


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