Terry Wogan Dead: Broadcasting Legend's Radio 2 Breakfast Show Sign-Off Feels All The More Poignant Now (VIDEO)

Wogan's Final Radio 2 Broadcast Feels All The More Poignant Now

Sir Terry Wogan’s final broadcast on his BBC Radio 2 breakfast show feels all the more poignant, following the sad news of his death, at the age of 77.

Back in 2009, Sir Terry hosted his final edition of ‘Wake Up With Wogan’, before handing over the reins of the morning show to Chris Evans, and delivered a moving speech to his beloved listeners (who he called the TOGGs, Terry’s Old Geezers and Gals).

Signing off the show, he bid farewell to his listeners, telling them: “It’s always been a sense of enormous pride to me that you’ve come together in my name, and called yourselves my listeners. That you think of me as a friend, someone that you’re close enough to laugh with, to poke fun at, and occasionally, when the world seemed just a little too cruel, to shed a tear with.

Terry Wogan delivers his final speech on 'Wake Up To Wogan'

“The years together with you have not only been a pleasure, but a privilege. When you tell me how important I’ve been in your lives, it’s very moving. You’ve been every bit as important in mine.”

He concluded his emotional goodbye by saying simply: “I’m going to miss you… thank you. Thank you for being my friend.”

Sir Terry’s family confirmed on Sunday morning that he had died, following what they described as a “short but brave battle” with cancer.

Since then, greats from the world of broadcasting have come together to pay their respects, sharing their emotional memories of the presenting legend on social media.


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