Spiders: you either love them for their ability to reduce the fly population or you simply can't stand the sight of the leggy monsters.
However despite popular opinion that spiders are terrifying beasts from the jaws of hell, they're actually not that threatening to you or your health. Well, not in this country anyway.

According to the British Arachnological Society, there are roughly 670 different species of spider in the UK. So the chances of you coming into contact with one this autumn is pretty high.
We've put together a guide of all you need to know when it comes to those eight-legged friends.
How can you prevent spiders from coming indoors?
:: Seal up any cracks, gaps or holes that might enable spiders to get into your house.
:: Introduce zesty scents to your home as these deter them.
:: Buy a special plug-in spider deterrent that emits high pitched sounds.
:: Create a bug spray from natural oils. Everyday Roots suggests to put 5-7 drops of peppermint oil in a spray bottle and fill to the top with warm water. Add a squirt of dish soap, place the top on, and give the mixture a good shake. Spray in the corners of window frames, along door cracks, or in dark dingy places spiders may be hiding out.
What is the best way to remove a spider from your house?
The NHS suggests to not disturb the spider, if you can help it, as spiders only tend to bite when they feel threatened.
And to be honest, leaving them alone is beneficial as spiders feed on common indoor pests such as earwigs, mosquitoes, flies and clothes moths.
We understand that this isn't ideal for most, so if you feel like you simply must remove a spider from your home, then the best technique to use is the old glass and cardboard trick.
Simply place a glass over where the spider is (be careful not to hurt its legs) and then slowly slide a piece of cardboard underneath the spider so that you trap it in the glass. Then, take it outside and release it into the wild.

What should you do if you're bitten by a spider?
According to the NHS, spiders will leave two little puncture marks, so if you're bitten by one then chances are you'll be able to diagnose it yourself.
Dr Paul Zollinger-Read, chief medical officer at Bupa comments that the chances of being bitten by a spider are very rare. “Spiders are shy creatures and are probably more scared of you than you are of them!
"There have been increasing reports of scary spiders setting up home in our houses and gardens. The most common is the noble false widow spider. Their bite isn’t dangerous but may cause you a bit of pain."
He added that "rarely, spiders from other parts of the world find themselves on our shores. If you are bitten and aren’t sure what species it is, contact your GP or hospital."
“With any bite or sting, though usually not serious, it’s still important to check for signs of an allergic reaction. This includes things like finding it hard to breathe or have any swelling to your lips, mouth or face. In which case, seek immediate medical help."
Which spiders in the UK bite?
According to The Natural History Museum, false widow spiders (so-called because of their similarity to the more poisonous black widow spider) are the main biters. Typically their bites cause pain, redness and swelling.
Other (not so common) biters include:
:: The tube web spider who has a sharp and painful bite - it can feel like a deep injection and can cause quite a shock. After six hours the pain should subside.
:: Woodlouse spider whose bite has been compared to that of a nettle sting. The pain subsided after an hour, leaving a red mark and 2 tiny puncture marks which persisted for a couple of days.'
:: The walnut orb-weaver spider's bite reportedly feels like a puncture from a bramble thorn, the pain should disappear after 6 hours.
:: Lace weaver spider bites cause painful swelling, which should go down after 12 hours.
:: Mouse spiders cause large pimple-like bites surrounded by red inflammation.
Dr Paul Zollinger-Read notes that "bites from pet spiders can also sometimes happen. Rather than biting, tarantulas flick hairs from their abdomens which can cause irritation, especially to your eyes, skin and throat."
A final thing to bear in mind? The chance of being bitten by a spider is significantly less than being stung by a wasp or hornet.
It’s likely that if you’re bitten by a spider in the UK, you won’t even notice.