WATCH: Boy Swallows Piece Of Pet Toy And Can't Stop Squeaking


A young boy in Tucuman, Argentina, suffered an unusual side effect after he swallowed a piece from a pet toy: He couldn’t stop squeaking.

The video above was taken in the emergency room of a children’s hospital by Dr. Santiago Gomez Zuviria.

It shows the unnamed 8-year-old boy opening his mouth and squeaking up a storm.

“The whistle was stuck between the larynx and the pharynx,” Zuviria told HuffPost by email.

Using local anesthesia, Zuviria was able to remove the squeaker from the boy’s throat.

“His mother was more scared than he was,” Zuviria said. “It was a tragi-comic situation to be honest. I never seen or heard about a case like this in my life.”

The boy has since recovered, but Zuviria posted the video on Facebook last week to warn people about the dangers of swallowing things.

The video has since received more than 9 million views.


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