Four out of five people would back tougher penalties for all road users, including cyclists, who break the rules of the road, a new study shows.
A survey of more than 2,000 adults by Halfords also found that a similar number would like to see tougher action against those who cycle aggressively – or against motorists who drive aggressively near cyclists.
Half of those questioned by the company believed cyclists should have to take a proficiency test before being allowed on to roads, although almost as many said there should be dedicated cycle lanes.
Those polled also supported tougher action against motorists who drive aggressively near cyclists (Victoria Jones/PA)
Karen Bellairs, chief customer officer at Halfords, said: “Our state-of-the-nation report on sharing the road suggests that there are tensions on both sides, amidst rising levels of traffic, and as driver and cyclist numbers rise.
“Reassuringly, however, when we delve into the statistics, it’s not so much an ‘us and them’ attitude that we find, but rather a ‘let’s work together’ mindset, with widespread support from motorists towards cyclists – and vice versa.
“There is a genuine willingness to share the road, something that Halfords, which champions motoring as well as cycling, is very keen to foster.”