Max Mosley Criticises Decision To Cancel Second Leveson Inquiry

Max Mosley Criticises Decision To Cancel Second Leveson Inquiry

Max Mosley has branded the Government’s decision not to implement Leveson part two a “disgrace”.

It was disclosed that the privacy campaigner published a campaign leaflet linking non-white immigrants with diseases such as tuberculosis, VD and leprosy.

The pamphlet, supporting a candidate for his father Sir Oswald Mosley’s Union Movement in a 1961 by-election, was unearthed by the Daily Mail in archives in Manchester.

The Mail said its discovery raised questions over evidence which Mr Mosley gave under oath in a High Court trial when he successfully sued the News Of The World in 2008.

In a statement, Mr Mosley said: “The massive coverage in the Daily Mail for a second day concerning events 55 to 60 years ago is another extraordinary attempt to attack and intimidate me.

“I will not be deterred from pursuing what is right and nor should those who have campaigned for part two of the Leveson Inquiry.

“The Government’s decision today on this is a disgrace.”

The second part of the Leveson Inquiry was due to look into unlawful conduct within media organisations as well as relations between police and the press.

Culture Secretary Matt Hancock told the House of Commons that reopening the “costly and time-consuming” inquiry – which reported on press regulation and ethics in 2012 – was not “the right way forward”.

Mr Hancock also announced the Government would not put into effect a controversial measure which would have required media organisations to sign up to a state-backed regulator or risk having to pay legal costs in both sides of a libel case, even if they won.

Mr Mosley added: “There are also serious questions about the relationships between senior police officers, top newspaper executives and certain politicians.

“Those are not necessarily criminal but need to be made public so that much-needed reforms can take place.

“Powerful press interests should not have significant influence over our police and it’s time to end their unhealthy power over government.”


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