I like the thought of New Year's resolutions, I think it gives us a great goal to be a better "you" in the New Year. Most of us have the usual goals such as losing weight but if like me you'll do anything to lose weight but diet and exercise, you may want something a little more manageable.
If you haven't thought of any resolutions yet, here are some of my recommendations for resolutions that are easy to achieve:
My resolution is to get a new exercise regime and to make time for friends. I regularly see a handful of my friends but there are a few I adore but hardly ever see; I plan on changing that this year. No matter how well cleansed my skin is or how beautiful my nails are, life is nothing without wonderful friends and family.
Feel free to leave me a comment to let me know your resolution, let's convene here next year and see if we've all stuck to our resolutions. Here's to a beautiful and happy 2014.