10 Top Tips For Your Wedding Day

Aside from the most obvious tips of not being hungover and getting up late, I've put together my 10 top tips for your wedding day. 1. Eat a nice breakfast full of protein that will keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Potentially, brides can go long periods without any food so this is very important.

Aside from the most obvious tips of not being hungover and getting up late, I've put together my 10 top tips for your wedding day.

1. Eat a nice breakfastfull of protein that will keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Potentially, brides can go long periods without any food so this is very important.

2. Give yourself plenty of time to get ready. Allocate one of your bridesmaids to keep an eye on the time so you can relax. Alternatively your planner will be able to do this for you.

3. Apply baby powder. This is one tip that people will not tell you. Cover your inner thighs and any other areas that could potentially sweat with a light coating of it BEFORE putting on your dress. Those dresses can get very hot!

4. Stay hydrated. Lots of brides try to not drink many fluids to avoid having to use the bathroom, to try and fit in their dresses better or have just been so busy they forget to drink water.

Lack of fluids in combination with being hot can quickly lead to finding yourself extremely dehydrated. You may have to ask yourself which is more embarrassing, having to use the bathroom a few times with bridesmaid's assistance or passing out at your own wedding.

An extra tip - drink your water from a bottle using a straw just in case you spill some.

5.A wedding planner will always have a wedding day emergency kit handy. If you decide not to hire a planner then have someone make one up for you and carry with them throughout the day.

6. Stay composed during the speeches. If someone has said something inappropriate, it's best to let it pass without a big reaction.

7. Go easy on the alcohol. You will want to remember this day for the rest of your life, so make sure you don't drink too much (that's what you do at friends' weddings).

8. Have a change of shoes for the reception. You will be stood in those high heels all day. By the time it comes to the evening you will be thankful you brought flats.

9.Try to relax and enjoy it. If you have booked the best professionals in the wedding industry you will not have to worry about a thing. Let everyone else worry about you and you get on with having fun with your family and friends.

10.Most importantly, remember why you are there. You and your groom will be pulled separately from pillar to post with guests grabbing you for attention. Take a few minutes out together in a quiet place to look at the person you are pledging your life to and reflect on the amazing journey that lies ahead of you both.

For more top tips - go to www.chantilly-rose.co.uk