10 Ways To Keep Love Alive

10 Ways To Keep Love Alive

Are you drifting apart from your partner but don't know why? Keeping love alive in long-term relationships takes effort, but it doesn't have to feel like hard work.

Check out our gallery of top tips to revive your relationship.

1. Don't worry, be happy

Make each other laugh, tickle one another until your sides ache, go and see a stand-up or learn clowning skills at a circus workshop - just make sure you've got enough giggling going on. Couples who laugh together are more likely to stay together.

2. Turn bath time into play time

A honeymooner's favourite, vastly underrated and extremely relaxing to boot. Don't forget the bubbles! A long hot soak in the tub will give you chance to focus on one another away from life's many distractions.

3. Learn to give and take

Get involved with each other again and commit to one activity he loves a week followed by one of your favourite past times. You never know, you might find a new passion for fixing cars and he might just love tango lessons!

4. Let me count the ways...

List all the things you love about your partner including every minute detail, then leave it under their pillow for romantic bedtime reading. Experts say that it takes seven compliments to make up for one negative. So get writing!

5. Memories are made of this

Gather together all the loose photos that you've been meaning to put into albums and spend time reminiscing, documenting your happy lives together. It will give you something to smile about in the tougher times.

6. Love guaranteed

Make each other a promise and keep it - be it doing the washing up straight after dinner or getting hitched in a year, promises and trust are the foundations of any great relationship.

7. Surprise!

Be spontaneous when you feel you're stuck in a rut, shake things up and you'll keep it fresh. Do something out of your usual routine, whether that means taking a city break together or meeting your other half outside work with a bunch or flowers.

8. Role reversal

Who needs 'Wife Swap'? Simply exchange your chores or even entire schedules for a day and see how your other half lives - it'll soon make you appreciate each other more.

9. Get vocal

Talk to each other. It sounds simple but with busy lives meaningful conversations can all but disappear. Start chatting and listen to your favourite person in the world.

10. Bug bear

Don't dwell or sulk about problems you may have had in the past. If something is annoying you get it out in the open instead of stewing in silence and resenting your partner. Just remember to broach the subject with love and be ready take your share of the blame and be open to compromise to avoid an argument.