10 Ways To... Think Yourself Thin

10 Ways To... Think Yourself Thin

Mind over matter...that useful little phrase that can help conquer the impossible! But is Paul McKenna right - can a little mind magic really make you thin?

The answer is yes - and here's how...

Fast forward to the end of your life and imagine you are still in an overweight body – be sure to imagine the associated health problems that come with it. Fast forward again to the end of your life, this time at your goal weight and with all the positive aspects that brings. The sharp contrast between the two lives should be enough to kick start your resolve.

Often we know exactly what we need to do in order to lose weight - we just need a little reminder. Keep your goal in mind by putting a photo of yourself looking slim on the fridge door. Or, if you dip into the naughty cupboard without thinking, try sticking a note on the outside - and make sure the door stays firmly shut!

Are you an emotional over-eater? Try to pinpoint the exact triggers that send you running for a bowl of pasta. Next time that feeling strikes, do something else before you eat - whether that's writing down how you feel or taking a power walk around the park. Eventually you'll be able to put distance between the emotion and the food - until you no longer automatically want to eat in response.

There is a clever little mind trick that can help you resist the irresistible. Next time you fancy a cream cake, imagine that it's covered in something icky like dog hair or tastes of something you hate, such as sprouts. Do it often enough, and your brain will make an automatic connection and will replace nice for nasty!

Have you noticed how, when you're really busy, you stomach doesn't get a look in? So, next time the cravings for cake kick in, do something that will keep your mind busy and your stomach sleepy. Better still, do something that will lift your spirits - feeling positive will help give you motivation in every area of your life, including wanting to lose weight.

Many dieters find that sharing stories with other dieters can help refresh the mind and strengthen and renew their resolve. Get online and build up a network of contacts that can help you see the wood for the trees - instead of jam tarts! Better yet, find a fitness buddy and talk as you power walk.

Yes, this may sound obvious but so many of us get it wrong! If you're not sure if you're genuinely hungry, drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes. If you're still hungry then it's time to eat - just remember to stop when you are full!

EFT allows you to remove any negative thought patterns – including the urge to overeat. Based on the principles of acupuncture, EFT involves the gentle tapping of various pressure points within the body - the stimulation of these points returns the body back to a positive and balanced state. It may sound weird, but it works for many.

Get into the habit of writing things down. As well as keeping a record of what you eat, it's worth listing the reasons why you want to lose weight and how good it would make you feel. Keep the list somewhere you can see it – then if you're having a weak moment, you can re-read it for extra resolve.

Finally, remember that it takes time to re-train your brain. Don't be too hard on yourself if you end up tucking in to a chicken korma. Throwing in the towel after one night of indulgence can undo weeks or months of hard work, when all you need to do is get back on the diet train the next day – there's no need to cry over spilt coconut milk!