10 Years Younger... On The Inside

10 Years Younger... On The Inside

The supermarket shelves and TV commercial breaks are filled with products claiming to make us look and feel younger.

But staying young isn't all about appearances - here are a few tips on how to stay fit and healthy on the inside.


Tips to stay healthy on the inside

Let's not forget, the heart is a muscle and needs regular exercise (30 minutes a day, five days a week is recommended) to stay in shape. Did you know that your heart 'age' can be different from your birth age? Discover how old your heart is at: www.heartagecalculator.com

Tips to stay healthy on the inside

As we age, our bones grow weaker and post-menopausal women in particular can be vulnerable to osteoporosis. A calcium-rich diet is essential to keep bones strong and walking or weight-lifting will also help to protect them. Getting out in the sunshine for some much needed vitamin D will give your bones that extra boost.

Tips to stay healthy on the inside

Ageing takes its toll on our eyes and many will find they need reading glasses as they get older. But to reduce your risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is the leading cause of blindness, sunglasses are a must. UV light has been linked to some forms of AMD and cataract so stay shady to take care of those peepers.

Tips to stay healthy on the inside

It happens to the best of us... that inadvertent groan as we got up from the floor. It's what could be called reasonable wear and tear on our joints and cartilage. But a study by the University of Queensland found that just 3,000 steps a day could mean reduced joint pain as you get older. And plenty of Omega-3-rich fish will mean you're a well-oiled machine.

Tips to stay healthy on the inside

Our bodies rely on proper hydration. Water is integral to all of our healing and cleansing processes. It enables our bodies to get rid of all those nasty toxins we consume these days and aids our digestive system, meaning we get the most out of the nutrients in the foods we eat. As an added bonus, your skin will definitely thank you for it.

Tips to stay healthy on the inside

A massive 80% of visits to British doctors are stress-related, according to the NHS. Everyday stresses and strains can cause the brain to release too much cortisol, which can increase blood pressure and weaken the immune system. Try meditation or yoga when you feel the tension rising.

Tips to stay healthy on the inside

Sadly middle-aged spread is no myth. A 2005 UK study found that obesity could accelerate the ageing process even more than smoking and your risk of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure is increased. Stick to a healthy, well-balanced diet, keep active and you'll soon be winning the battle of the bulge.

Tips to stay healthy on the inside

Those pesky free radicals give our insides a daily battering and it's thanks to them that our bodies age. The only things that can battle the bombardment are antioxidants. Plenty of leafy green and brightly coloured vegetables as well as fresh fruit provide us with antioxidant protection to ward off the ravages of time.

Tips to stay healthy on the inside

Lack of sleep doesn't just make you look older... doctors say it can actually speed up the ageing process. Without the proper amount of rest, the immune system struggles, leaving us open to all kinds of diseases. Get your eight hours a night and give your body and mind time to repair.

Tips to stay healthy on the inside

According to The Alzheimer's Research Trust, 42 per cent of the UK population know a close friend or family member with dementia. Keeping your brain active can reduce your risk, while a recent study found that high doses of vitamin B, found naturally in meat, fish, eggs and green veg could halve the rate of brain shrinkage.

Tips to stay healthy on the inside