14-Year-Old Mum And Dad Are Britain's Youngest Parents

14-Year-Old Mum And Dad Are Britain's Youngest Parents

Whilst most 14-year-old girls will be enjoying the Christmas break by over-indulging on teen-TV and selection boxes, April Webster will be on night feeds and nappy duty.

April, and her on-off boyfriend Nathan Fishbourne, also 14, have the dubious honour of joining the ranks of Britain's Youngest Parents. While their friends are out celebrating, their Christmas is going to be spent caring for their four-week-old baby Jamie.

And whilst April, of Caerphilly, South Wales, defiantly asserts: 'I'm going to be a great mum,' she admits that she and Nathan are on a 'cooling-off period'.

'He has not turned his back on the baby but he's asking to do things like have him stay over at his house and that has caused some arguments. We have a few things to sort out,' she told The Sun newspaper.

The pair, who started dating when they were just 13, admit they did not use contraception after Nathan found he 'did not like' condoms after using them once. April claims she was 'too embarrassed' to tell her parents she was sexually active or seek contraception advice.

Jamie was born by Caesarean section on November 15th, weighing 8lbs 14oz.

April's mother Maria, 36, said: 'It was a big shock at first but we let April make the decision on whether to go through with it. Now he has arrived we're glad she did. He's my first grandson and so beautiful.'

April and Jamie are living with Maria, dad Jeff, 38, and April's older sister Robyn, 17, who has to share a room with her younger sister and new baby now.

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What do you think?

Britain has a terrible record for teen pregnancies, children giving birth to children, so what can be done?

And are children this young really able to look after a baby?