4K Video 'Fixed' With Amazing Live Airbrush Effects (VIDEO)

WATCH: Super HD Video 'Fixed' Via Amazing Live Airbrush Effects

Everyone now expects that pretty much every picture in a glossy magazine is airbrushed to perfection via the magic of Photoshop.

But 4K, super-HD video? Surely that's too expensive for anybody to even bother?

Sorry, no. A Japanese company is claiming that it has developed a new technique which can 'fix' a 4K video clip in real time - without having to go frame-by-frame or compress the video first.

In an astonishing video demo, Foton Inc appears to demonstrate the Photoshop-like effects being applied to video clips in an effort to improve lighting, remove skin imperfections and reshape a model's face.

The tech - if confirmed to be real - could lead to a revolution in video quality (and probably a further dip in the confidence levels of everyone who doesn't look like a robot with perfect cheekbones).