Five Crazy Wedding Disasters (And How to Avoid Them)

Something going wrong on our wedding day is a nightmare many of us wouldn't wish on our worst enemy. Your wedding day is supposed to be the best day of your life, and when expectations are set so high even the minor flaws might seem like a disaster.

Something going wrong on our wedding day is a nightmare many of us wouldn't wish on our worst enemy. Your wedding day is supposed to be the best day of your life, and when expectations are set so high even the minor flaws might seem like a disaster.

While you shouldn't stress too much about things going according to plan, as they most certainly won't - easy for us to say, right? - you also shouldn't increase the likelihood of a disaster inadvertently. There are certain things you might think of doing that seem like good ideas but which could, in all honesty, end up creating another crazy wedding disaster.

Here are five crazy wedding disasters that might happen, and some tips on how to avoid them.

A ruined dress

Perhaps the worst nightmare for most brides is a ruined wedding dress. When you've spent an eternity (and often an entire budget!) looking for the perfect dress, you don't want anything to happen to it.

And then rain happens, wind blows, people step on things, food and drink is dropped and spilled - many things can happen.

Try not to eat anything that could stain or drink anything without a towel around you, at least until you've taken the pictures and had your first dance!

It's also an idea to have a sewing kit on hand for small rips and if you're really stressed about it, buy a cheaper evening dress or even plan to change into your regular everyday clothes, and avoid worries by not exposing your wedding dress to the thrills and spills of your party.

Stunt injuries

Stunts are just a disaster waiting to happen. Jumping a bungee jump in order to make a grand entrance might look fun on paper, but do you really want to risk injury on your wedding day? It doesn't even need to be a life-threatening one! Having a black eye or a scar on your face in all of your wedding photos will haunt you for the rest of your life.

Don't think injuries only happen with crazy stunts either. Just check what happened to one couple when they were practicing for a Dirty Dancing routine for their wedding. So, while you might like the sound of stunts and wild choreographs, it's best to just stick to the moves you know.

Animal mayhem

Unless you are organising a proper farm wedding or are just giving the ring bearer duties to your dog, you don't want to let the animals roam free on your wedding day. After all, having pets at your wedding is a big trend now! Animals - a bit like children - can be just a bit too unpredictable and can cause a lot of trouble and mess in a short amount of time, as much as we still love them.

If a furry friend is a must-have, stick to single digits and have someone who can properly control the animal in charge. If you're allowing guests to bring their pets, tell them the rules!

Allergic reactions

Give a proper list of allergies to your wedding food vendor and don't pick anything you're not used to eating as your wedding dish. You don't want to have yourself suffering from food poisoning on the big day! Remember your guests, too, and provide a menu in advance with plenty of choice so you can give everyone something they'll love.

Think about whether your cake has traces of nuts, or whether you could opt for a gluten free option too, for example.

Don't just worry about allergies either. Stick to food you know and like. Indian wedding cuisine might sound like a trendy pick, but can your stomach handle the heat? You also don't want your guests to party on an empty stomach because your food is too exotic - sometimes sticking to safe and boring can be a good idea.

It's worth thinking about your wedding food early in your wedding planning, too. The more guests and the bigger the wedding, the more potential allergies and intolerances you may have to cater for.

Personal insults and inappropriate language

Are you sure you want the DJ to blast explicit rap songs when your grandmother is listening? You should pay attention to the song lyrics - you don't have to skip a genre, just ensure you pick a wedding music professional who knows what's appropriate for the event and what is not. At Freak Music we've heard some great stories - even the newlyweds can laugh about it eventually! - about DJ's and bands inadvertently upsetting wedding guests!

The same goes with wedding speeches and wedding games. Let people know that the insensitive inside jokes are best left for another occasion - keep it fun, not embarrassing. If you're worried about a particular person giving a speech, have an honest conversation about your fears before the big day. If you're truly terrified, just skip the speeches altogether!

In terms of wedding games, don't pick anything that's embarrassing and never force anyone to do anything they don't want. Weddings are supposed to be light-hearted and fun - not a bullying competition!

The above are rather crazy wedding disasters, but the good news is they are totally avoidable. Above all, remember things don't always go according to plan. But you can still enjoy the big day and focus on what's important - celebrating love with your friends and family.