5 Nightlights That Help Your Child To Sleep

5 Nightlights That Help Your Child To Sleep

Night time is often scary for kids, mainly thanks to all the stories of monsters that come out when the sun goes down. Joanne has looked at some clever lego nightlights in the past to help with night-time anxiety, along with offering her top tips for how to deal with this fear.

Nightlights are often gadgets that appeal to both kids and their parents, and there are a number of lighting options arriving on the market which are suitable from birth to adulthood.

This Beba light on the right is from online store Alessi, and comes in blue or green (£16). The nightlight has a kitsch quality that wouldn't look out of place in an adult's room, but the fairy wings make it suitable for young girls or boys.

Here are four more nightlights to chase away those night fears, giving you a peaceful and nightmare-free night!