9 Of The Strangest Pregnancy Cravings. Tell Us Yours!

9 Of The Strangest Pregnancy Cravings. Tell Us Yours!

Pregnancy in itself can bring some very strange symptoms. Katie blogged about some of them early in her pregnancy and more recently here. One of the more talked about symptoms is pregnancy cravings, and that's partly because the types of cravings vary so wildly.

Some women get fairly normal symptoms, like Katie Holmes who craved cupcakes and Nicole Richie craving doughnuts. Actually, considering how tiny they both are, perhaps that wasn't so normal.

Other women have seriously bizarre symptoms. Britney Spears craved dirt, and Jools Oliver is a fan of marmite on bananas.

Intrigued to see what other cravings are about, I opened it up to our followers on Twitter.

The results were pretty interesting!

1) Ice

Both @tara_cain and @20somethingmum stated ice as their main craving, with @tara_cain specifying that it must be smashed ice. This one seems to be becoming more and more popular, and Katie Price has mentioned that she also craved this calorie free snack.

2) Shoe sniffing

I've never heart this one before. During pregnancy @LauraAWNTYM had a special place in her heart for sniffing plimsol inners. @porridgebrain also loved the smell of shoes, especially leather.

3) Vicks

@mokuska remembered an article where one woman admitted to being a fan of Vicks and used to eat it by the spoonful. That's certainly an eye waterer!

4) Fruit and Vegetables

Three of the ParentDish team, @JennyCornish, @DebCarrotsand @shinykatie, have confessed to having some strange cravings. Katie and Jenny both drank lots of juice, with Jenny preferring grapefruit and Katie opting for pineapple. Debbie was a big fan of brussel sprouts and full fat coke.

5) Midnight Snacks

@paganharlot has a weakness for Weetabix, which sounds fairly normal but it's more the time she prefers to eat it. 3am!

6) Strange sandwiches

@childcareuk is a fan of crisp and Marmite sandwiches. Strange, but it sounds quit tasty to me.

7) Colour coordination

@sunhouse loves to chow down on anything red, in particular strawberries and beetroot.

8) Sweets for my sweet

@postingdatesstocked up on jelly babies for his pregnant wife

9) In a pickle

@ilovemonty is eating anything pickled, and is partial to a beetroot, ham and mayo sarnie.

Have you experienced any strange cravings?