Nine Tips To Help You Stand Out At Your Next Job Interview

Research the company generally. Know the basic stats on size and state of the company, and try to develop a view on the top 3 strengths and the top 3 weaknesses/issues the company faces. If you can think through and be prepared to articulate how you can reinforce the strengths and help make progress against the issues, then even better.

What are some good job interview tips? originally appeared on Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

Answer by Kelly Battles, CFO at Quora (2016-present):

Here are a few things that I think are important and helpful:

  • Ask for names and roles of everyone you are meeting; and if possible get the interview loop/schedule so you know how much time you will be spending with each and in what order.
  • Research each person with whom you are meeting - e.g., look them up on Quora, LinkedIn, Facebook and don't forget YouTube. Seeing a person speak on video is great preparation for what to expect with respect to their personality and style. Plus, diving into their published content will give you more to talk with them about, help inform your questions, and potentially help highlight your preparation to the interviewer.
  • Research the company generally. Know the basic stats on size and state of the company, and try to develop a view on the top 3 strengths and the top 3 weaknesses/issues the company faces. If you can think through and be prepared to articulate how you can reinforce the strengths and help make progress against the issues, then even better.
  • Research the company specifically on I find that there are typically elements of truth to the themes that surface there, and it is a good way to get a feel for what to expect culturally and again this preparation can help to inform your questions. That said, I have rarely read a Glassdoor summary without seeing one review that was probably written by a disgruntled former employee. Two points make a line, I usually discount the random one off "rant" that too often is allowed to surface there.
  • Talk to trusted people in your network who work at the company if you can. Try (subtly) to get as much inside scoop as you can on the company and the people you are going to meet.
  • Obviously be prepared to articulate your background, why you have made the choices you have made over time, why you want the job, why you would be good for the job and why you would fit it in with the culture.
  • Relax and be ready for and open to the unexpected. If you worry, you will distract your mind from the conversation. Think of the interview as a game or a puzzle, or even just a chance to meet someone who is interesting and learn something new. The less nervous you are, the better you will do. Be disciplined about this. It is just a conversation, the worst thing that can happen is that they don't ask you back. Don't take it personally, it happens to everyone.
  • (Hopefully this is instinctive but of course) Be nice to the people who schedule your time at the company. I have definitely passed on a candidate more than once who interviewed well but treated my friend/ colleague badly.
  • This is not really prep but seriously - send thank you notes/emails to all whom you talked to. We don't typically give out interviewer email addresses at Quora BUT you can always send a thank you message via LinkedIn. I don't pass on candidates just because of this, but I definitely notice.